Topkare Hospice is excited to announce we are sponsoring the Kids Zone at @alzassociation walk on Saturday October 5th @libertystation NTC Park 2455 Cushing Road, San Diego. We want to share bubbles. earth art, sound instruments, meditation, breath work and help share various ways how mindfulness can be implemented at a young age! Registration starts at 8am and the walk is at 9am. We will also have a Topkare Hospice booth to help educate the Community about hospice, grief support and sharing about our Free Monthly Events we provide to the community who may need support. Additionally, some of our staff will be participating in the walk and we welcome you to join us! Check out our team page and join us to walk, donate to help us reach our goal. We hope to see you there. Reach out to our Bereavement, Volunteer and Community Event Coordinator Rebekah Finn at 858.833.0546, email with any questions. #libertystationsandiego #walktoendalzheimers #topkarehospice #sandiegocommunity #kidszone #hospiceeducation #hospicesupport #hospicelife #hospiceteam #comejoin
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